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Our History From The Cruisebooks

The Naval History and Heritage Command has made digital versions of all NSA DaNang Cruisebooks available in the public domain as a public service. They can be found on the U.S. Navy Seabee Museum website. Another link to that website can be found on our “Links” page with some additional information.

These Cruisebooks were expertly produced for the crew of the U.S. Naval Support Activity DaNang and tell our story in text and pictures. The volumes include the following:

            1. NSA DaNang Cruisebook: 1965-1966
            2. NSA DaNang Cruisebook: 1966-1967
            3. NSA DaNang Cruisebook: 1968
            4. NSA DaNang Cruisebook: 1969
            5. NSA DaNang Cruisebook: 1970

No Cruisebooks were produced for NSF DaNang in 1970-1972. Those were the years of transition when American forces were being reduced as a result of the Vietnamization program. The Naval Support Activity became the Naval Support Facility on July 1, 1970, and some operations were turned over to the U.S. Army and the Vietnamese Navy. The 1970 Cruisebook does include some pictures and information about those transitions.

U.S. Navy Cruisebooks were produced by many ships and shore stations. They were usually funded by crew members who purchased them in advance, and production quantities were determined by the number of orders that were placed. Cruisebooks became a record of the activities and accomplishments of those who served.

NSA DaNang Cruisebooks were only available during the years when they were produced. They were not printed for public distribution, but it is possible to find original copies in libraries and places where used books are sold.